Sunday, October 11, 2015

Making Your Own Fretboard: Part Four

Remember to make sure the bottoms of the pegs don't get in the way of each other. (Photo by Mark Feuerborn.)
In this post, we will now proceed to affix the tuning pegs to the headstock of the fretboard. This is a fairly straightforward process, as it's just a matter of lining up the tuning pegs with their proper holes and making sure the square bottoms of the pegs don't get in the way of each other.

If you are using the NEWEER pegs, keep in mind that of the six you receive, three will be constructed a different way than the other three so to allow for the pegs to stay uniformly placed regardless of whether they face outwards on the left or right side of the headstock.

When putting the screws in that will fasten the pegs in place, you can either drill small pilot holes for the screws to go in, or just attempt to screw them into the wood.


  1. I am blown away by the craftsmanship put into these guitars. Bravo!

  2. What made you decide to start building these?

  3. Eventually your cigar box guitar is near completion!
    I don't have knowledge about guitar stuffs that much,
    but I knew that this needs for turning guitars' sounds :)

  4. from my research, I've found that you might want to reverse your tuning machines so that the capstan(tall stem that the string wraps around) and its piƱon gear is closer to the box; and worm gear(knob) is to ward the top of the head. I had built a dozen or so CBGs before I discovered....
